Friday, November 4, 2011

Firsts: A Message to My Readers. :)

Hello there! Kristoff here for my first blog entry. I am now starting a new blog for my fashion insights, forecasts and everything worthy of writing here. I am just starting my career, so please do not expect superglamorous entries, but I will try my very best to pen tasteful articles.

I will also feature top models here, in my 'Spotlight' section, so watch out for that! First up is the winner of America's Next Top Model Cycle 14, the ebony vixen of fashion, KRISTA PINE.

As pageants and fashion usually mingle and meddle with each other, I will also feature articles from pageants. Whether it's the TOP TEN BEST DRESSED or the TOP TEN EYESORES, it will be featured here as well.

Reviews from the latest designs and creations of different designers will be seen here, also with my comments.

I look forward to more visitors in my blog. Please feel free to comment on my posts to be able to improve my skills. Thanks and Ciao!


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